Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Value of Summary Exercise to Each Person

When I read the newspaper, I gain many benefits from it. Newspapers compile much knowledge that can help me improve my English skills. First, I will know what is going on in my country and also all over the world and especially I can know many vocabularies. It can help me to practice my reading and writing too. In addition, when I summarize the article to my partner, it also helps me to practice my speaking and then for her turn, also help my listening skill practicing. Finally, I learn many vocabularies that I've never known it before such as the vocabularies are about economy, politic, beverage etc. and I also give my friends three new words and then they give me back so I receive many words from this exercise. Moreover, I get many benefits from this exercise and lot of information that I've never known before.


  1. Ohhhh!!

    I don't read newspaper everyday^^

    But I often read novels.
    That's help to improve my English too ^^
